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Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea - Series 3: Complete

Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea - Series 3 - Complete
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
  • Listenpreis: € 115,64

As the SSRN Seaview’s ongoing mission continues, her crew boldly defends the free world from the enemies of mankind, battling sinister foreign powers, deadly sea creatures, deranged scientists bent on world domination and the imminent threat of nuclear doomsday. The brainchild of Irwin Allen, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea was years ahead of its time, reflecting the key social and political issues of its day, and captivating audiences with its unique hybrid of science fiction spectacle and espionage thriller. Step aboard a futuristic atomic submarine, and see what danger lurks just below the surface in this innovative and exciting TV classic!
Special Features:
  • David Hedison Interview
  • 1966 Audio Interviews (Richard Basehart & David Hedison)
  • Still Galleries
  • Original US Broadcast Information

As the SSRN Seaview s ongoing mission continues, her crew boldly defends the free world from the enemies of mankind, battling sinister foreign powers, deadly sea creatures, deranged scientists bent on world domination and the imminent threat of nuclear doomsday. The brainchild of Irwin Allen, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea was years ahead of its time, reflecting the key social and political issues of its day, and captivating audiences with its unique hybrid of science fiction spectacle and espionage thriller. Step aboard a futuristic atomic submarine, and see what danger lurks just below the surface in this innovative and exciting TV classic!
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Preisstand: 02.06.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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