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Alan's Garden Secrets: The Complete Series

Alan's Garden Secrets - The Complete Series (4 DVDs)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Alan Titchmarsh discovers the big moments and the master gardeners that shaped our landscape and shows us how to achieve a little piece of the spectacular in our own back garden. In each DVD of Alan s Garden Secrets we get the opportunity to visit one of Britain s most spectacular showpiece gardens that usually remain hidden from public view. These gardens will be routed in and influenced by a specific era in British gardening s evolution and as Alan meets the owners, custodians and curious characters that maintain and develop them, he will discover how the garden was inspired and influenced by the master gardeners of the era. As we move through the big moments in gardening history Alan will be able to contrast the work of contemporary master garden designers such as Piet Oudolf, Tom Stuart-Smith and Christopher Bradley-Hole with those famed for shaping vast areas of the British landscape such as Lancelot Capability Brown, Humphry Repton and William Kent, who planted up our landscape in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, giving us the outlook we enjoy today.
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